Residue class-wise affine group

In mathematics, residue class-wise affine groups are certain permutation groups acting on \mathbb{Z} (the integers), whose elements are bijective residue class-wise affine mappings.

A mapping f: \mathbb{Z} \rightarrow \mathbb{Z} is called residue class-wise affine if there is a nonzero integer m such that the restrictions of f to the residue classes (mod m) are all affine. This means that for any residue class r(m) \in
\mathbb{Z}/m\mathbb{Z} there are coefficients a_{r(m)}, b_{r(m)}, c_{r(m)} \in \mathbb{Z} such that the restriction of the mapping f to the set r(m) = \{r %2B km |
k \in \mathbb{Z}\} is given by

f|_{r(m)}: r(m) \rightarrow \mathbb{Z}, \ n \mapsto
\frac{a_{r(m)} \cdot n %2B b_{r(m)}}{c_{r(m)}}.

Residue class-wise affine groups are countable, and they are accessible to computational investigations. Many of them act multiply transitively on \mathbb{Z} or on subsets thereof. Only relatively basic facts about their structure are known so far.

See also the Collatz conjecture, which is an assertion about a surjective, but not injective residue class-wise affine mapping.

References and external links

OPUS-Datenbank(Universität Stuttgart)